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Wildcat at Homecoming Weekend

Reunions are the perfect time to reminisce and reconnect with fellow NFA Alumni. The NFA Foundation offers many ways to participate in a reunion. 

Wildcat Reunion Weekend
Did you graduate in a class year ending in a 5 or 0? If so, then 2025 is your year to celebrate your class reunion! Click here for detail regarding this reunion weekend. 

50th Reunion
The Class of 1975 will be celebrating their 50th Reunion in September of 2025. Stay tuned for more information about events planned to celebrate this occasion. 

Red & White Reunion
Held annually, this event is for the Classes of 1966-1973. 

Jubilee Reunion
Held annually, this event is for all classes up to the Class of 1965.

Regional Reunions
Alumni networking events are held at different locations throughout the country to connect our Alumni who live outside of Connecticut. 

If you are interested in helping to plan your upcoming reunion, or would like to suggest a location for a Regional Reunion, please contact Meghan Akeman '00 at the NFA Foundation.